My previous journal may seem random but it comes on the heels of about a 30 minute rant by me to friends about how much lying was going to be done in the speech last night. I have nothing else to say, but I thought I'd explain that a little better so that I don't seem quite as completely insane as it made me sound.
More Blogs
Wednesday Jun 15, 2005
Here are the words you never want to hear when you answer the phone, … -
Tuesday Jun 14, 2005
This makes me absolutely giddy. I'm like a little schoolgirl watching… -
Monday Jun 13, 2005
Yes, I've been absent. I've been lurking, but I've just not had much … -
Sunday Jun 05, 2005
I hate today. As a warning, what I am about to write is not going… -
Wednesday Jun 01, 2005
I've just finished reading What's the Matter with Kansas? like litera… -
Monday May 30, 2005
I have returned from my voyage to Western KS virtually unscathed. I e… -
Thursday May 26, 2005
Ahhh, Thursday. It's 8PM and I've already worked at my shitty ass job… -
Tuesday May 24, 2005
So, it's Tuesday. That means that after work today I went and had mys… -
Tuesday May 24, 2005
Hello to the few who actually read this(which does seem to be more pe… -
Sunday May 22, 2005
So, I'm back. I'm sure that nobody noticed I was gone, well, except f…
Speaking of sadness how do you feel about Jeb running for President? I realize that I just set myself up. But I still want to know.
Eh...well I would take McCain over Jeb. I know that the Democrats don't stand a chance. I want John Edwards to run again but if Hilary runs she is getting my vote. She would never get elected but it would be a great step for women in politics. Better than Condi.