......and so begins a new era.
what eras have existed in your lifetime?
so far, i've got, off the top of my head, a couple...
- The too-short, fun-timed Kid Era, which is often referred to along with the phrase "I remember when you were *this* tall"...
- The Teen Era is one that is comprised of several smaller "ages" that overlapped and often existed simultaneously, such as "Soccer Age," "Driving Age," "Delaware Age," and the infamous "Begin Partying Age"...
- College Era held the most advances, and many tools were upgraded to reflect general knowledge and abilities. Oddly enough, eating habits turned into a foraging bahavior, whereas before (and after) they were more traditional and nutritious.
- Real World is the current era, with smaller, harsher, eras within it... the two harshest of these are the Bill Era and the Shitty Job Era... however, the era that begins today is the Not-So-Shitty Job Era...
what eras have existed in your lifetime?
so far, i've got, off the top of my head, a couple...
- The too-short, fun-timed Kid Era, which is often referred to along with the phrase "I remember when you were *this* tall"...
- The Teen Era is one that is comprised of several smaller "ages" that overlapped and often existed simultaneously, such as "Soccer Age," "Driving Age," "Delaware Age," and the infamous "Begin Partying Age"...
- College Era held the most advances, and many tools were upgraded to reflect general knowledge and abilities. Oddly enough, eating habits turned into a foraging bahavior, whereas before (and after) they were more traditional and nutritious.
- Real World is the current era, with smaller, harsher, eras within it... the two harshest of these are the Bill Era and the Shitty Job Era... however, the era that begins today is the Not-So-Shitty Job Era...

'Twat era' lasted from when I was 14 to 18, and consisted of being a twat.
'James era', the four years I was with my ex and didn't really change much.
'Fucked-in-the-Head era', the year after I left my ex and couldn't figure out why, also the period when I gopt into some fucked-up stuff,
Present era, I'm just trying to make myself a better all-round person, y'know?