The cabin has always posessed a weird ability to rejuvenate. I suppose this is why so many people seek out opportunities to establish "cabins"...
It never fails to show me how much I've taken ours for granted whenever I bring friends out to it... comments like "it's so beautiful here," "it's so relaxing," and "this place is amazing" are almost tired cliches... but... it makes me look at the place anew each time... to see just how beautiful it really is... how lucky I am to have the chance to go there... how much meaning it has to our entire family... it truly is incredible.
A few short blurbs about this weekend's adventures:
- On the drive out, I was able to engage with B in a conversation about Simulation (Baudrillard) and its surrounding philosophical ideas... it was good to get the 'ol brain chugging along again, and made me regret not following my interest in philosophy in college.
- Once arriving at the lake, seeing the moon illuminate the surrounding hills and reflect off the lake... instantaneously inspiring awe and silence.
- Watching numerous rugby matches, learning through observation and questioning the nuances of the sport, and deciding that I should give it a whirl.
- Goofing off while waiting in a Motel 6 parking lot, including meeting "Crazy Dave" at a bar (while everyone else drank from bottles or pint glasses, Crazy Dave got a keg cup with "Crazy Dave" written on it--he liked my shirt, though), listening to a radio political personality that nobody could decide if he was serious or not while he ranted off about Bush wanting to kill everyone over 60, that the hurricane was a tool of political power, etc.
- Attending the "drink-off" that followed the rugby tournament... an event that had 20 kegs, a large, enclosed space, and about 200 people. Activities included numerous "club" songs, nude carrying of the "torch," a beer slip-n-slide, and a host of other lively endeavors.
- While careening around hairpin turns, trying to convince a drunken friend that it was not necessary to stick his entire top half of his torso out the window to take a piss... that we could easily pull over to allow him his needed relief.
- Waking up to a misty lake that was completely still, save the small wakes left by passing loons.
- Encountering a driver that was endangering other drivers with reckless lane changing and tailgating, then boxing him in behind a slowly moving RV... as he passed us after a minute of this, he taunted us and clearly said many explatives in front of his toddler (who was unbuckled and standing up on the back seats).
- Being with good friends and being able to share with them the lake place.
I am thoroughly satisfied.
It never fails to show me how much I've taken ours for granted whenever I bring friends out to it... comments like "it's so beautiful here," "it's so relaxing," and "this place is amazing" are almost tired cliches... but... it makes me look at the place anew each time... to see just how beautiful it really is... how lucky I am to have the chance to go there... how much meaning it has to our entire family... it truly is incredible.
A few short blurbs about this weekend's adventures:
- On the drive out, I was able to engage with B in a conversation about Simulation (Baudrillard) and its surrounding philosophical ideas... it was good to get the 'ol brain chugging along again, and made me regret not following my interest in philosophy in college.
- Once arriving at the lake, seeing the moon illuminate the surrounding hills and reflect off the lake... instantaneously inspiring awe and silence.
- Watching numerous rugby matches, learning through observation and questioning the nuances of the sport, and deciding that I should give it a whirl.
- Goofing off while waiting in a Motel 6 parking lot, including meeting "Crazy Dave" at a bar (while everyone else drank from bottles or pint glasses, Crazy Dave got a keg cup with "Crazy Dave" written on it--he liked my shirt, though), listening to a radio political personality that nobody could decide if he was serious or not while he ranted off about Bush wanting to kill everyone over 60, that the hurricane was a tool of political power, etc.
- Attending the "drink-off" that followed the rugby tournament... an event that had 20 kegs, a large, enclosed space, and about 200 people. Activities included numerous "club" songs, nude carrying of the "torch," a beer slip-n-slide, and a host of other lively endeavors.
- While careening around hairpin turns, trying to convince a drunken friend that it was not necessary to stick his entire top half of his torso out the window to take a piss... that we could easily pull over to allow him his needed relief.
- Waking up to a misty lake that was completely still, save the small wakes left by passing loons.
- Encountering a driver that was endangering other drivers with reckless lane changing and tailgating, then boxing him in behind a slowly moving RV... as he passed us after a minute of this, he taunted us and clearly said many explatives in front of his toddler (who was unbuckled and standing up on the back seats).
- Being with good friends and being able to share with them the lake place.
I am thoroughly satisfied.