well that was a satisfying morning culinary affair...
started the Peace Corps application yesterday...
it's bout damn time i did, considering i'd been talking about it for several months now. all i have to say is THANK GOD i didn't take that clandestine position that the CIA offered me back in middle school... otherwise, i'd be exempt from consideration in the Peace Corps.
oh, and i have radalicious morning hair today... how mod is that?
tonight's the big multi-house meal... starts sometime around 6... 5 houses each making a course of the meal and serving it at their house... so, basically, we go from house to house eat and mingle, then go to the next house... don't you fret, though, for there is an alcohol house...
started the Peace Corps application yesterday...

oh, and i have radalicious morning hair today... how mod is that?
tonight's the big multi-house meal... starts sometime around 6... 5 houses each making a course of the meal and serving it at their house... so, basically, we go from house to house eat and mingle, then go to the next house... don't you fret, though, for there is an alcohol house...

yay! thanks for all the links! i especially enjoyed the bus schedule link......lol

ah, yes. alchohol house. i stayed there a few times in my rough and rowdy days. it was fun there, cuz they didn't mind if you peed in the closet.