yeeeehaw... i get to tear down plaster today!
umm, on a more civilized note: i'm getting booted from the house at 8:30am so that the cleaning lady can clean without me getting in the way... ? i mean, i'm glad they have a cleaning lady... they need one badly... but there's gotta be some room that i could hide out in or somethin... heh.

umm, on a more civilized note: i'm getting booted from the house at 8:30am so that the cleaning lady can clean without me getting in the way... ? i mean, i'm glad they have a cleaning lady... they need one badly... but there's gotta be some room that i could hide out in or somethin... heh.

yeah, that's good that they have a cleaning lady, since you said the dog licks the couch.......there's no tellin' what's on that thing! haha