I got my pics from the shot on friday. They turned out great, I loved them. The photog is just gonna finish the photoshoping and then I'm sending them in sometime next week.
I'm excited, I hope I turn pink now!!!
Not much is going on other than that.
I'm staying home this whole weekend cuz my parents went to acapulco and its to cold to go out with my baby unless its compleatly necesary.
Here are some random pics:
Me with red hair:
A friend made this for me:
With some friends before the NOFX concert:
Playing with photoshop:
My 20th birthday with my best friend:
Las years valentine day, single again jaja:
These are some of the pics I sent in with my SG application:
I'm excited, I hope I turn pink now!!!
Not much is going on other than that.
I'm staying home this whole weekend cuz my parents went to acapulco and its to cold to go out with my baby unless its compleatly necesary.
Here are some random pics:
Me with red hair:

A friend made this for me:

With some friends before the NOFX concert:

Playing with photoshop:

My 20th birthday with my best friend:

Las years valentine day, single again jaja:

These are some of the pics I sent in with my SG application:

Mezcl el polvo para decolorar con la crema oxidante de 30 volumenes (en realidad me estaba tiiendo el pelo, fue una idea del momento, jaja!), me lo apliqu ah abajo con cuidado de que no me tocara los labios, con mucho cuidado porque hay algunas que tienen reacciones alergicas!. Lo dej actuar 15 minutos, enjuagu bien con agua y jabn. Me puse una tintura de las que son semi permanentes color azul, lo dej otros 15 minutos, enjuagu y listo! super facil!.