Hey all you Acadians, here is a recent interview from my Blog Tour I wanted to share with everyone!
In general do you like to talk about your writing and published books or are you very close-lipped about it? I greatly enjoy discussing my stories once they are complete. It is always interesting to hear a person’s take on central themes or different characters from your work.
What book/s are you currently writing and what is it about? I am working through rewrites on Land of the Giants. This is the second chapter in the Chronicles of Acadia, the sequel to Secrets of the Elders. In Book I our lead characters found themselves confronted with a truth they were not prepared to deal with. With Book II they will not only have to accept this new truth, but will find themselves knee deep in a boiling quagmire of the damn stuff.
Why this particular genre? You mean besides having the gnome, Bipp, nagging me all hours of the night to tell his story? Well, truth be told, I like to write in several different genres. Though right now, this is the story begging for attention when I’m trying to get about ordinary business. There is always something fun about losing yourself in a fantasy world where anything can and usually does happen.
What inspires or motivates you to write? You find inspiration in the oddest places. Recently I’ve been a big fan of long drives through the countryside. That seems to be when broken scenes in the story work out in my mind. The only problem is that you actually need to focus on some rather demanding details when driving, like cars and other people…oh, and trees, yes you should never forget the importance of avoiding head on collisions with trees when driving. As far as motivation, well let’s just say that there is a foul one-eyed ogre who makes sure I get my word count in every day…
What is the writing process like for you? The best way I can describe it is like writing a book. No, I’m just kidding, your expression is priceless right now though. That was worth it. The writing process is kind of like diving off the deep end of a shallow pool and hoping for someone to fill it with water before you land. In other words, completely and utterly fascinating.
What aspect of the craft do you think is most difficult to learn? I found the chainsaw juggling aspect the trickiest to master. I mean you just get the sword bit down pat, and that’s not easy with a blindfold on I’ll tell you, but then they want to throw a gas guzzling arm severing chainsaw into the mix? Well, to that I say, “No thank you Madame! You can take that back and give me an electric model please. It’s only hybrids and above for this green minded fella.” Yeah…that’s the trickiest part.
What has been the most encouraging comment someone has made about your writing? The other day someone commented that a little snippet I wrote was “simply beautiful.” I thought that was quite nice. It made me smile all day.
Any advice for struggling writers? Get in your word count today, no excuses. Or, if you cannot find the time, hire a licensed Badger to do it for you. They really are quite excellent with a typewriter. I think it has something to do with those little fingers?
Favorite author? You know that’s a loaded question. How can an author be expected to have just one favorite in the coliseum of storytellers? There are so many amazing, simply astounding, authors that I have read. I don’t know…right now my mind goes to Brian Lumley and Peter Straub. I’m rather fond of both of them. Peter Straub’s Floating Dragon was the first time I found myself uncomfortable having my back exposed while reading. His tale was so deeply dark in a very interesting way, without all the usual props so to speak, that I literally had to push my back firmly against the couch so nothing could creep up on me. Then there is Brian Lumley, the man is a master at crafting a tale. If you have not read the Necroscope series then I believe your life is incomplete. But then there is Terry Pratchett and Piers Anthony they are both brilliant as well. Ah, you see…I can’t choose one. I always end up on a rant over this question.
Do you have a favorite spot to read and write? Oh yes, absolutely. There is a spot just between Jupiter and the Comet Nexus where I like to go for a cup of tea and brood over my lack of proper punctuation. They make a lovely Ulacian Scone that is to die for. I mean really. This biscuit will kill you for exactly five-point-eleven seconds. It’s made of Nexus moonflowers and little bits of honey that will tingle on your tongue long after the café closes for the night and you find yourself headed back to Earth.
What did you do before you became a writer? I ate many doughnuts and worried a great deal over the proper way to pronounce the word bear. Where I grew up we say bear, beer, and bare all in the same way…which I did not realize until I moved away and went camping with some friends. They couldn’t understand why I was running from a bottle of Omegang offered until they heard the growls over their shoulders.
What do you like to do when not writing? I have been trying to Hunt for Red October lately, but I can’t seem to find it anywhere. What I really like to do though is walk into random businesses pretending I’m there for my first day of work. It always throws people off. You would not believe how many first day orientations I have been through. Oh, that and long walks on the beach.
Most daring thing or experience you have done you would like to share? I would love to tell you all about this time I saved the Prime Minister from a gang of werewolves, but the court records are sealed...matters of national security and all.
And Finally
Moto/wisdom in life you live by. Enjoy life to its fullest, and when you can’t, hire a licensed Raccoon to do it for you.
Thanks once again for your willingness to share with me and the readers.
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