Ok, so here it is. The results and my opinions of the ROH show from this past Saturday in Jersey. Other than getting slightly lost on the way there it was incredible.
The first match was Steve Corino v.s. Roderick Strong: Corino won. I was unamused by this match. Corino is a fat out of shape bastard and the match was kind of boring. The girl behind us was a total white trash beast and kept creaming herself for Corino. Ew.
Jay Lethal beat Jimmy Rave (of The Embassy with Prince Nana). This was a decent match. Nothing too extrodinary but I am usually amused to just watch Prince Nana run around and spray people in the crowd with air freshners. Afterwards John Walters came out and said he wanted to fight Lethal right then and there. Lethal lost. Although I consider Walters the true loser....I mean the man walked out looking like fucking Aladin.
Funniest match of the night had to go to Ebessan and Billy Ken Kid (two wrestlers from Japan). Ebessan was freakin hysterical. He lost but the match had the whole crowd laughing.
K, now for one of the matches that I was most looking forward to: Jimmy Jacobs and Alex Shelley. I thought this match was great and I thought both wrestlers did an awesome job. At one point someone in the crowd heckled Jacobs about his tights and he just looked up and said "My mom made these you asshole". I was funny. Jimmy Jacobs is a favorite and he totally didnt get the respect he deserved that night. I find it so hard to believe that the kid just turned 21. Both men are very skilled and they both put on a great show. Shelley won and then asked for forgiveness for past attacks. Jacobs hit him with the contra code. Now, thats just plain sexy
Spanky beat CM Punk. This match was kind of boring but I was happy to see Spanky win. And the best part was afterwards when The Embassy came out to offer Spany a position with them he was just kind of like no thanks I have bigger things to worry about like getting the belt. It was funny to see him just sort of shrug him off and then walk out. Then to top it all off Prince Nana and his crew got into a tiff with Punk and Punk sprayed Nana in the face for a good minute with Nanas own air freshner. HA! I dont know the last two times I have seen Punk I have been kind of disappointed with his wrestling. Maybe it is just me. I dont know.
Dan Maff & BJ Whitmer beat Ricky Reyes & Rocky Romero. I really dont remember much about this match. The only thing I really remember is that afterwards Allison Danger came out and blah blah blahed about the contract. Maff and Whitmer proceded to beat the living shit out of her until she was balled up in the corner of the ring, stockings torn and shaking like a freakin rape victim. She annoys me so it was quite funny.
Next Foley came out and did his stint. Blah blah blah he brings out Vordell Walker to face Samoa Joe. Joe won. Then Foley brought out the person he said he was handing the hardcore legend torch down to: Ebessan. Jow won....but the match had almost everyone pissing their pants it was so funny.
Homicide defeated Bryan Danielson: I was kind of diappointed with this match. Ok, it was kind of cool because they ended up in the audience pretty much right on top of us...then dragged the match pretty much everywhere else in the place. Amusing at first but kind of boring after a while. Oh and the match was a taped fist match. I dont know I like Danielson and I think he can be a pretty good technical wrestler...but this match didnt really do much for me. Homicide ended up using brass knuckles..yadda yadda yadda.
Now for the really good stuff. Lets talk cage matches.
First there was a fucking amazing match between Austin Aries and Colt Cabana. Both men put on such an amazing show. The crowd was split chanting for each man. It was hard to chant for one over the other because both were just tearing the place up. Aries has to be the only person I have ever seen blade while in the fucking air. Talk about smooth. DAMN! Of course by the end both men were bleeding like pigs..and who dosnt enjoy that every once and a while. Aries ended up winning but both men kept the audience in awe. They both just totally sold the match so well.
Now, the next and last match might be one of the best matches I have ever fucking seen. On top of the cage corners they placed wood planks. As if Jack Evans needs any more height then he usually already gets. The match included: Dunn & Marcos, The Carnage Crew of Loc & Devito, Lacey's team of Izzy & Deranged, Azrieal & Dixie as well as Roderick Strong & Jack Evans. There was just so much going on in this match that no matter where you looked your jaw was dropped. Now most of us have seen Evans do some of that high flying shit but he wasnt the only one up there. Almost everyone had their turn up on those wood planks. People were flying everywhere. Izzy was the one to take the big jump from the wood plank down to the fucking ground....he actually crossed his heart before jumping. I think everyones heart kind of stopped for a sec. It was insane. Evans ended up being thrown into the crowd..and by thrown into the crowd I mean almost thrown on top of me and my friend (brother in law) Dave. As he layed there on the floor all of us just started pointing and chanting "holy shit, holy shit". The match was only a total of maybe 10 minutes but it was the most exciting ten minutes I have had in a long time. It was like having amazing sex...it was that good. Everyone in that match just put all they had into it. Dunn and Marcos ended up winning...go figure the ones who put the cage up ended up winning the match.
Out of the three or four ROH shows I have been to I would have to say that this was the best. We had second row seats, wrestlers flying at us, wrestlers selling their shit like it was fucking gold, a man blading in mid air, technical wrestling that could shame half if not more of the guys in the WWE, and it cost me what? $35 and a trip to Jersey. If only we got that much quality for such a low price in every aspect of our lives.
The first match was Steve Corino v.s. Roderick Strong: Corino won. I was unamused by this match. Corino is a fat out of shape bastard and the match was kind of boring. The girl behind us was a total white trash beast and kept creaming herself for Corino. Ew.
Jay Lethal beat Jimmy Rave (of The Embassy with Prince Nana). This was a decent match. Nothing too extrodinary but I am usually amused to just watch Prince Nana run around and spray people in the crowd with air freshners. Afterwards John Walters came out and said he wanted to fight Lethal right then and there. Lethal lost. Although I consider Walters the true loser....I mean the man walked out looking like fucking Aladin.
Funniest match of the night had to go to Ebessan and Billy Ken Kid (two wrestlers from Japan). Ebessan was freakin hysterical. He lost but the match had the whole crowd laughing.
K, now for one of the matches that I was most looking forward to: Jimmy Jacobs and Alex Shelley. I thought this match was great and I thought both wrestlers did an awesome job. At one point someone in the crowd heckled Jacobs about his tights and he just looked up and said "My mom made these you asshole". I was funny. Jimmy Jacobs is a favorite and he totally didnt get the respect he deserved that night. I find it so hard to believe that the kid just turned 21. Both men are very skilled and they both put on a great show. Shelley won and then asked for forgiveness for past attacks. Jacobs hit him with the contra code. Now, thats just plain sexy

Spanky beat CM Punk. This match was kind of boring but I was happy to see Spanky win. And the best part was afterwards when The Embassy came out to offer Spany a position with them he was just kind of like no thanks I have bigger things to worry about like getting the belt. It was funny to see him just sort of shrug him off and then walk out. Then to top it all off Prince Nana and his crew got into a tiff with Punk and Punk sprayed Nana in the face for a good minute with Nanas own air freshner. HA! I dont know the last two times I have seen Punk I have been kind of disappointed with his wrestling. Maybe it is just me. I dont know.
Dan Maff & BJ Whitmer beat Ricky Reyes & Rocky Romero. I really dont remember much about this match. The only thing I really remember is that afterwards Allison Danger came out and blah blah blahed about the contract. Maff and Whitmer proceded to beat the living shit out of her until she was balled up in the corner of the ring, stockings torn and shaking like a freakin rape victim. She annoys me so it was quite funny.
Next Foley came out and did his stint. Blah blah blah he brings out Vordell Walker to face Samoa Joe. Joe won. Then Foley brought out the person he said he was handing the hardcore legend torch down to: Ebessan. Jow won....but the match had almost everyone pissing their pants it was so funny.
Homicide defeated Bryan Danielson: I was kind of diappointed with this match. Ok, it was kind of cool because they ended up in the audience pretty much right on top of us...then dragged the match pretty much everywhere else in the place. Amusing at first but kind of boring after a while. Oh and the match was a taped fist match. I dont know I like Danielson and I think he can be a pretty good technical wrestler...but this match didnt really do much for me. Homicide ended up using brass knuckles..yadda yadda yadda.
Now for the really good stuff. Lets talk cage matches.
First there was a fucking amazing match between Austin Aries and Colt Cabana. Both men put on such an amazing show. The crowd was split chanting for each man. It was hard to chant for one over the other because both were just tearing the place up. Aries has to be the only person I have ever seen blade while in the fucking air. Talk about smooth. DAMN! Of course by the end both men were bleeding like pigs..and who dosnt enjoy that every once and a while. Aries ended up winning but both men kept the audience in awe. They both just totally sold the match so well.
Now, the next and last match might be one of the best matches I have ever fucking seen. On top of the cage corners they placed wood planks. As if Jack Evans needs any more height then he usually already gets. The match included: Dunn & Marcos, The Carnage Crew of Loc & Devito, Lacey's team of Izzy & Deranged, Azrieal & Dixie as well as Roderick Strong & Jack Evans. There was just so much going on in this match that no matter where you looked your jaw was dropped. Now most of us have seen Evans do some of that high flying shit but he wasnt the only one up there. Almost everyone had their turn up on those wood planks. People were flying everywhere. Izzy was the one to take the big jump from the wood plank down to the fucking ground....he actually crossed his heart before jumping. I think everyones heart kind of stopped for a sec. It was insane. Evans ended up being thrown into the crowd..and by thrown into the crowd I mean almost thrown on top of me and my friend (brother in law) Dave. As he layed there on the floor all of us just started pointing and chanting "holy shit, holy shit". The match was only a total of maybe 10 minutes but it was the most exciting ten minutes I have had in a long time. It was like having amazing sex...it was that good. Everyone in that match just put all they had into it. Dunn and Marcos ended up winning...go figure the ones who put the cage up ended up winning the match.
Out of the three or four ROH shows I have been to I would have to say that this was the best. We had second row seats, wrestlers flying at us, wrestlers selling their shit like it was fucking gold, a man blading in mid air, technical wrestling that could shame half if not more of the guys in the WWE, and it cost me what? $35 and a trip to Jersey. If only we got that much quality for such a low price in every aspect of our lives.

Their style of wrestling really appeals to me and I think they could be the next big thing in the business, much like ECW was during its run.
I just hope it's managed better and doesn't get stomped out by the competition of WWE.