Well, the New Years party went quite well. It was definately one of the best we have ever had. Everyone just seemed to have a blast. No one seemed bored and we all just laughed the entire night. Now if only I didnt suck at cooking I might make an ok host.
Faye put up a new set that is just breathtaking. I look at that girl and my jaw just drops. She is just beautiful.
Blah I cannot decide what I want to do today. I might take a drive to the thrift store. I have been feeling kind of self conscious lately. I blame it on all the holiday food. Yuck. I cant decide if I feel like going or not. I hate feeling so blah.
Faye put up a new set that is just breathtaking. I look at that girl and my jaw just drops. She is just beautiful.
Blah I cannot decide what I want to do today. I might take a drive to the thrift store. I have been feeling kind of self conscious lately. I blame it on all the holiday food. Yuck. I cant decide if I feel like going or not. I hate feeling so blah.
I like how you are a robot for a living.

Your name is FUNNY.