gee, um I guess an update would be good right about now.
I don't have anything interesting to say so I'll talk about my day
so I got up, late, had a quick shower whilst the doglet was in the garden doing whatever doglets do in the morning, (having a sniff and a poo I expect)
Drove to work, late, sat at my desk, realised I really needed a drink, got one, felt better, read email, bid on a laptop on Ebay, realised that I really did'nt have the money for the laptop on Ebay unless I seriously made some savings for the next month or so, so its tesco food with stripes for me! (for the non english out there this means basics, no brands nothing special) that's ok I really need to sort out getting into better shape anyways, summer is on it's way and I need to look good for the ladeez (bwahahahhahaha I actually laughed out loud at that, my dog thinks I'm nuts now)
So afternoon rolled on, it rained a little I got told that I am going to Bristol to do some work on thursday and friday (yeah).
and I have to go on a Microsoft course next month for like a week, that's ok, free lunch
I scored tickets to Star Wars EpIII today, asked a nice girl I know if she wanted to go with me to it, she said yes, that cheered me up. next txt she sent said this,
"I'd really like to go, I figure in this life you can never have too many friends"
well poo. I have enough real world friends, I liked this girl in a want to be a little more than friends way. - I'm not mad, just a little let down.
hoo hum.
had a nice spicy tomatoe soup for dinner, walked the dog, off to bed soon, tomorrow is another day.
I don't have anything interesting to say so I'll talk about my day
so I got up, late, had a quick shower whilst the doglet was in the garden doing whatever doglets do in the morning, (having a sniff and a poo I expect)
Drove to work, late, sat at my desk, realised I really needed a drink, got one, felt better, read email, bid on a laptop on Ebay, realised that I really did'nt have the money for the laptop on Ebay unless I seriously made some savings for the next month or so, so its tesco food with stripes for me! (for the non english out there this means basics, no brands nothing special) that's ok I really need to sort out getting into better shape anyways, summer is on it's way and I need to look good for the ladeez (bwahahahhahaha I actually laughed out loud at that, my dog thinks I'm nuts now)
So afternoon rolled on, it rained a little I got told that I am going to Bristol to do some work on thursday and friday (yeah).
and I have to go on a Microsoft course next month for like a week, that's ok, free lunch

I scored tickets to Star Wars EpIII today, asked a nice girl I know if she wanted to go with me to it, she said yes, that cheered me up. next txt she sent said this,
"I'd really like to go, I figure in this life you can never have too many friends"
well poo. I have enough real world friends, I liked this girl in a want to be a little more than friends way. - I'm not mad, just a little let down.
hoo hum.
had a nice spicy tomatoe soup for dinner, walked the dog, off to bed soon, tomorrow is another day.

shudap lol

yay for the cheap Tesco food