@missy & @rambo my first @bloghomework is "My best quality"
I thought about this one for quiet a while but kept coming back to the same quality... It came to mind that my love for all living things from animals to bugs to nature runs incredibly deep! More so than your average joe!
I absolutely adore and respect every living organism on this planet , from giraffes right down to even slugs and yes, flies! Of course flies arn't in my top 5 list to snatch up and snuggle in bed, but I respect them! All living things are important and deserve life and respect no matter how icky or how small !
I tried weeding my garden the other day but ended up having to zip off to the shops to find a big enough container to collect all the insects to house them safely until my job was done ! But then spent most of my time hanging out with my new friends ! Like this little guy here :)
Don't mind my lovely shade of dog! (My adopted pug Goku up above helping me support Oscars law)
When it comes down to it in the end, all living things matter in life and all are extraordinary organisms that deserve a place on our wonderful planet 💚