Hello fellow cats and kittens! I hope everyone had a wonderful and festive Halloween!! I know I certainly did. This Halloween @missy and @rambo asked us what we were dressing up as, and as I didn't share before Halloween, I'm going to share it now!
So, for those not familiar with The Walking Dead, it may not make a whole lot of sense, but my boyfriend dressed up as Negan, and I dressed as his one and only true love.. His barbed wire covered baseball bat Lucille!! How exactly did I dress as a bat, well take a look!
Saturday night we went to a close friends birthday/Halloween party, and he even carried me around for a bit.
Monday we hit a bar where a horror rock band provided a spooky soundtrack to the night. Our costume was a big hit, people really enjoyed the creativity and funness we supplied. If you're a reader of the comics you know how much Negan loves Lucille. At times he acts like it's an extension of his penis, and at other times he talkes about it as if he wishes he could fuck it. So for Negan to have a living breathing Lucille, well, I think that would be a dream come true for him. TEAM NEGAN!!
What did everyone else dress as??
I also carved one of my all time favourite pumpkins this year. MR. MEESEEKS!!! I'm a pumpkin look at me!!!
One last thing! I just want to thank everyone who has viewed, loved, and commented on my newest set! You guys and gals really know how to make a girl feel loved! I'm really proud of this set shot by @gemmaedwardsuk and if you haven't seen it yet, you can find it Right here!!!
Until next time!! Stay classy little babies!!