It's been awhile since I've blogged, and I apologize for that, but man it's been a busy year! I have still been viewing sets, posting pictures here and there, and visiting my favourite group threads, but you guys deserve a full blog. I did so much this summer that I don't want to cram it all into one giant blog, so I'll be posting smaller ones to get everyone caught up!
Firstly, work has been taking over a lot of my free time, but in the best possible way. In addition to bartending I have been pursuing a career in the film industry. I'm not sure exactly where I want to end up, but for now I've been working as a Set PA(Production Assistant) and absolutely loving it! It's really long days of work, so it's the main reason why I haven't been blogging as regularly as you all are use to.
I've also been traveling as much as possible, a trip to Orlando at the beginning of the year, Denver about a month ago, I helped a friend move some artwork to a gallery in Asheville, and was working on a project in Hunstville, AL for a while, and most recently took my annual Dragon*con vacation. Oh! And I've also been shooting a lot more, so expect some blogs of all sorts of that fun stuff! So I've been a very busy little bee. Buzz buzz!
Unfortunately, a couple months ago my apartment was broken into. I live pretty modestly so only some cash and my laptop were taken, but it sucked. My best friends dad came by after and installed new and addition locks so I feel safer, and I'm just so happy that my little kitties were unharmed, as I have no idea what I would do without them. I still haven't replaced the laptop, but I'm working on that.
Even with the break in, I've remained positive as this summer has been much more good than bad.
I also have a new set dropping in about a month and a half, so keep your peepers peeled for that! As it gets closer I'll put up a blog about the shoot, with some bts photos, sneak peeks, and other fun stuffs.
For now, you can always peep my older sets, or follow me on Instgram where my username is titanmoonchild .. Hope everyone has been having a fabulous summer! Love you all and as always, thank you all so much for your continued kindness and support!!
Until next time cats and kittens!!
That's really cool to hear about getting your start in film. Whenever I watch the credits of a movie, I've always been amazed at the number of people that work on it, and have wondered, how did that person become a gaffer, or the assistant to the director, etc. I would love to hear more about how you got started and what it's like. Thanks for the great blog- I'm ready for fall too!
Sorry to hear about the break-in, but glad kitties are okay and they didn't fuck shit up.