Hello hello all my little lovelies! I hope you're all having just the most wonderful hump day ever! So far mine is pretty fabulous! Although, I am an overwhelmingly positive person so everyday starts out pretty fabulous for me. lol Sooooo.. I just wanted to share a few of the fun things I've been up to this summer, that I maybe missed posting about.
In April I was a model for RAW Atlanta. Which is a wonderful event held every two months here is Atlanta. It features all kinds of different mediums including photography, body art, live music, burlesque, and so much more! I was a hair model for the super talented Miss Jasmine Jun's urban warrior concept(Makeup by Irene Bell). Any ladies in Atlanta looking for a new stylist I would absolutely suggest checking out Salon Red and all the lovely ladies that work there.
Something super freaking cool!! I attended a Chuck Palahniuk book signing in May. I am a HUGE fan of his, and this was actually the third signing I've attended. If you're not familiar, he's most known for Fight Club, Choke, Survivor. He was on tour promoting both the release of Make Something Up and comicbook sequel to Fight Club. The signing was just the funnest, silliest, greatest thing ever. Chuck always goes so over the top with games, prizes, and crazy stories. Plus you get a signed first edition of Make Something Up and Fight Club 2. AND I was lucky enough to snatch one of the signed severed limbs he threw into the crowd.
At the beginning of the summer I spent a few dreamy days in Asheville. Hiking through the mountains, chasing waterfalls, eating the most delicious food, and the most delicious beer. I find more reasons to fall in love with that place every time I visit.
Oh my goodness! You guys! My favourite little beer biddy @roggen paid me a little visit at the end of May. She was just road trippin around, having her own little adventures, being adorable, and I spent a day showing her around Atlanta. Love this gal! Can't wait to see you again bb!
Spent a couple wonderfully fun days at The Renaissance Festival this year. Got a kiss from my favourite Tortuga Twin AND even got to see the most babely little lizard lady @episkey.
Pool days have been frequent and highly enjoyed.
The Peachtree Road Race is held every fourth of July in Atlanta, it's a major staple of the city, and I believe it is the largest 10k in the country. People dress up and spectators pass out beer while cheering you on. So for the last three years my apartment was on the route and I was always one of the spectators, until this year. With all the craziness that has happened to me this year, I found so much peace of mind in working out. The gym became my new companion, so I figured, why not join the runners this year. So it was my very first 10k and I ran it in just over and hour. I plan to beat that time next year, but I think it was pretty good for my first year. So here I am enjoying the most delicious peach ever at the finish.
As a lot of you know, I lost my best friend of 14 years earlier this year, which is a lot of the reason I had a hiatus from the site. I knew I wanted to get some sort of memorial tattoo for her, but I wasn't sure what exactly. I went back and forth on song lyrics, things she talked about getting but never did, a purple tulip(her favourite colour and flower). But in the end, I decided I wanted something that would only have a connection with her. Something that wouldn't mean anything to anyone else. Something that would make me think of her laughing her perfectly infectious laugh. So I went with an inside joke, that I'd rather not explain. I think she would approve. Huge thank you to Logan LeBlanc at Area 54 in Peachtree City. He did my Jon Snow tattoo as well, and he's a super rad dude.
Well, that's it for me cats and kittens. Until next time.. Stay cool. Meow,