It's a grey and gloomy day today here in Atlanta, but I've been fighting a killer cold so I kind of like it. Before anything else I want to say the warmest of thank you's to every single one of you who have loved and commented on my latest set Jean Genie! I've said it before, and I'll never stop saying it, this community is full of the most amazing people. I love all you lads and lasses! Your continued support and love is just the best! If you haven't seen it yet be sure to check out Jean Genie right meow!!
In other fun news.. Last Saturday I attended The Walking Dead wrap party! It was a blast. I got the chance to hang out with two of my favourite ladies, while enjoying free food and drink, what's not to love about that!? Plus I got to chat with a couple of the cast members, who were all tremendously sweet and super down to earth. I didn't take too many photos, I felt awkward asking, but I did get one with Michael Cudlitz (Abraham) and Sam Gilliam (Father Gabrielle).
Later in the night Michael Cudlitz provided the best photo bomb. He was a pretty rad dude.
In the entrance..
The drink list.
Tonight is my ten year high school reunion, I'm old, but I've decided not to go.. for reasons. But I will be attending the after party that a high school friend is having. So that will probably be a sufficiently awkward time.
If you didn't know, I chopped all my hair off. I was a little scared at first, I haven't had hair shorter than my boobs since 2009, but I've been thoroughly enjoying it. I hope you all like it too!
I'll leave you with this photo by Corwin Prescott from April that I don't believe I have ever shared.
One more huge and heart felt thank you to everyone who has been so so supportive. I've read every single comment and although I haven't had time to reply to them all, they mean the world to me. Thank you so much rad dudes and dudettes! I hope you all have the best week ever! And for my US friends, have a Happy Thanksgiving!