Hello cats and kittens!
While perusing the site today I saw that @missy and @rambo have come up with the most delightful idea to do a weekly blog theme! The first is 'your favourite body part'! If you haven't seen it already, I would highly suggest taking a look at Rambo's awesome blog where she talks about her beautiful eyes, and her excellent boobies, I very much enjoyed reading hers.
Alright, so I'm going to do two as well, and the first is my hair! I was picked on a lot in grade school for being a ginger, you know because kids are so creative with their bullying, so that caused me to spend a lot of years hating my hair. I was sort of a gothy kid in high school so I dyed it black. It's also been pink, blonde, brown, and green. The last time I dyed my hair was in 2009, and after I let the natural colour come back I fell in love with it. I don't know why it took me so long to realize how beautiful it really is, but I'm happy I finally did!
The second is my boobies!! Because everyone loves boobies! This is actually another thing I was teased about in school, well I guess the lack thereof would be more accurate. I didn't hit puberty until well into high school, and I didn't grow boobs until after graduating. I was basically just a stick figure all through high school. I felt really uncomfortable about my body and would always hide under over sized band t-shirts and baggy jeans. It really has been in the last couple years that my boobs have reached their full awesome boob potential, and I couldn't be happier with them. I love my pink nips, and how perky they are! If you're curious I wear a 36B, and I wouldn't trade em for the world!
Here are some of my favourite images that showcase hair, boobs, or both! Can't wait to see what all the other lovely ladies post!
The last two photos are from my set 'Promises' which you can see more of here.
Lastly, I got some really exciting news today! My next set, which is titled 'Galactica', was originally slated for May, but will now be in MR on March 26th! Super excited about that set, Alissa Brunelli is a total camera wizard and produced some serious magic. Here's a little tiny sneaky peaky...