Sooo... this past weekend was pretty amazing. Saturday morning I had the pleasure of meeting and shooting with @alissa! She was so sweet, and so much fun to work with. She really got into the Battlestar Galactica theme, and I cannot wait to have that set come out. @radeo made my hurs all curls for the shoot, and it looked so pretty! She was a complete sweetheart and I'm so happy I got the chance to meet such genuinely kind and beautiful ladies! And a huge thank you to @marceline and @michaelmae for opening up their home and making the shoot possible! Yayy! So many awesome people! Also, their house is super pretty!!
While Alissa and Radeo were in town they arranged a dinner at The Vortex in L5P. It was so amazing to meet all the other hopefuls in Atlanta! So many babes that I had never met so close to me! It was really awesome of Alissa to help bring the Atlanta SG community closer together! Swoon city.
I also went to the cinema twice this weekend! First up was Ender's Game, which I really liked, but was also very sadden by. They rushed over some of my most loved parts of the book, and the end was a lot different. Although I wish they would have shown more of Ender's experiences in Battle School, which is where he really hones his tactical genius, I did very much enjoy seeing the battle room and the battles themselves come to life.
Next up was The Day of the Doctor! Which was so amazing, and I cried through most of. Especially one scene in particular when my breathe was completely taken away by a certain cameo. I know a lot of you are fellow Whovians, so no spoilers, but it was definitely an experience and I'm so glad I got to see it on the big screen!
After being emotionally raped by Steven Moffat, it only made sense to get a chocolate shake.
Spidey socks and sundies..
Had some delicious noms at my favourite burger place. Grindhouse!
Got these awesome kitty socks.
And now for something completely different.
And that's all folks! Make sure to show some love to Promises in MR now! So say we all!