This is the longest I've gone without an update in a while... Let me make it up to you with pictures of my bum!! (c/o Instagram obvi)

There has been so much awesomeness in the past 2 months!
Here's what I've been up to:
(Get comfy... there's lots!)
The Three Musketeers!
(Silliness, good eats & cupcakes with Meshell & Rydell)
Vancouver Love!
Partay People!
Emerald City Comicon!
Meshell, Rydell & I went on a roadtrip down to Seattle. Much fun and silliness ensued.
Here's an interview the gorgeous Bella and I did for KISW Seattle:
Bella & Tita Suicide talk about SG, give Sean Patrick Flanery a hard time, compare height, and look cute (We're approx 3 minutes in)
I've been workin on myself a lot lately, and you know what? I like me!
Remember that shoot I did with tmronin? One of the shots made it onto the New York Couture website!
I am not a model, but things like this are such fun for me!
Otherwise, I've been helping friends, learning new skills, reading, building relationships, hustlin, bleeding inspiration and exploding thoughts onto every available surface.
Up next: Grinding Towards a Greater Mankind the Vancouver debut of our very own Tiffini Truth in Vancouver!
Come on out and support charity, listen to sick metal, watch Tiffini ooze sex and send sparks AND visit with me! (I'm the MC)
There are so many exciting things on the horizon! Watch this space to see how they develop...
In the meantime, you can stalk me all over the web:
Want more Tita?!?
Do you love it?!?
This little lady is about to head out on a life changing adventure and I am completely inspired by her courage. Head over to [MEMBER=Alkaline's] blog and wish her luck!