I just thought I'd let you all know I'm still alive. The discussion boards failed to keep my interest, and alas, I forgot to come back at Christmas.
Earlier today, I did another set with LP. Hopefully, it's come out well - the lighting situation was challenging, there were mosquitoes all over both of us, and I haven't yet managed to get over my heinous habit of "making the You Shot My Dog Face when other people are taking pictures of me". (secretps: I think I looked really fat today, that's what I get for not working out for three weeks x_x) Oddly, I can easily not make that face when taking pictures of myself. I wish I could get better at not doing it for others.
Here's some pictures or something.

PS: I've been here almost a year, and I still have the same profile shot that I've been trying to change. x_x
Earlier today, I did another set with LP. Hopefully, it's come out well - the lighting situation was challenging, there were mosquitoes all over both of us, and I haven't yet managed to get over my heinous habit of "making the You Shot My Dog Face when other people are taking pictures of me". (secretps: I think I looked really fat today, that's what I get for not working out for three weeks x_x) Oddly, I can easily not make that face when taking pictures of myself. I wish I could get better at not doing it for others.
Here's some pictures or something.

PS: I've been here almost a year, and I still have the same profile shot that I've been trying to change. x_x
Welcome back fellow contract signer!
Woah I thought you were long gone, good to see you're still healthy. Looks like the friendship thing is fucked =/ Otherwise I would've noticed this...gonna end and request.