So. I've heard a lot of negative things breaking out in the news about SG lately. Honestly, I don't have a whole lot to say about it.
I'm joining the Army, or attempting to. I don't know how this will turn out. I don't know if it will interfere with SG or if SG will interfere with it, but at least I'll be in better shape next time I get to do a set.
A lot of things have gone on since the last time I updated. I have to admit that I got a bit disenheartened because I couldn't change my profile picture. I never really got into the stripping thing, and I worked at a call center for a while, selling natural gas. It was actually not that bad of a job, except I had to work with all the people who are the exact kind of person I loathe, you know, the girls who are 22 and have 3 kids and don't understand why you don't have three kids and why, if you've been going out with someone for three years, you don't live with him. They also tend to get into fights at the drop of a hat and suck down drama like a drug.
I think I hate Myspace. Almost nobody on my friendslist is anybody I like at all. It would probably be best to drop everybody off of the list who I don't know personally and communicate with regularly.
Have a picture as a reward for reading a TL;DR chunk of text.
I know I look kinda sad and it's really blurry, but I got my hair cut recently and someone wanted to see it, and that's the best picture out of the batch, I guess.
Sometimes I'm not entirely sure why I'm here, but then I remembered that I like both money and ample resources for artistic references, though I've actually never used anybody off of the site as reference. It seems I am wasting the few advantages of being naked on the Internet.
I'm joining the Army, or attempting to. I don't know how this will turn out. I don't know if it will interfere with SG or if SG will interfere with it, but at least I'll be in better shape next time I get to do a set.
A lot of things have gone on since the last time I updated. I have to admit that I got a bit disenheartened because I couldn't change my profile picture. I never really got into the stripping thing, and I worked at a call center for a while, selling natural gas. It was actually not that bad of a job, except I had to work with all the people who are the exact kind of person I loathe, you know, the girls who are 22 and have 3 kids and don't understand why you don't have three kids and why, if you've been going out with someone for three years, you don't live with him. They also tend to get into fights at the drop of a hat and suck down drama like a drug.
I think I hate Myspace. Almost nobody on my friendslist is anybody I like at all. It would probably be best to drop everybody off of the list who I don't know personally and communicate with regularly.
Have a picture as a reward for reading a TL;DR chunk of text.

I know I look kinda sad and it's really blurry, but I got my hair cut recently and someone wanted to see it, and that's the best picture out of the batch, I guess.
Sometimes I'm not entirely sure why I'm here, but then I remembered that I like both money and ample resources for artistic references, though I've actually never used anybody off of the site as reference. It seems I am wasting the few advantages of being naked on the Internet.
when I read that I was like "but I thought anyone with points is in the SG Army, but now I think I know what you mean. As long as you get to be a super ninja assassin, then I think it's a good idea.
It's not too late. No matter what anyone tells you, you can get out scot free until after the first 90 days are up. You can tell them right now that you don't want to go and they can't do shit. They aren't going to send the police after you or some stupid shit like that. That's something the recruiters like to tell people, mainly because they don't really know any better and they think it works like that. Well, if you do decide to stay in, always know what your rights are and don't let someone tell you you can't do something for any reason. Except combat, because you don't really want to do that anyways.