Estoy super feliz !!!!!
se que todo el mundo escribe en ingles pero me siento mas comoda escribiendo en mi idioma natal ojala logre convertirme en una SG es uno de mis grandes sueos han pasado 3 aos desde que envie la solicitud y hasta ahora es que pude enviar un set!!!!
deseenme suerte!!!!!
I'm so happy!! : D everyone writes in English but I feel more comfortable writing in my native language achieves hopefully become a SG is one of my biggest dreams has been 3 years since I send the application and so far is that I could send my pictures ! Wish me luck!! : love:

I'm so happy!! : D everyone writes in English but I feel more comfortable writing in my native language achieves hopefully become a SG is one of my biggest dreams has been 3 years since I send the application and so far is that I could send my pictures ! Wish me luck!! : love: