Ok so even more bad news today, the place I was going to get away to for like two weeks, she is saying now that I can't stay there at all, though if I get locked out of upstairs and deprived of food again than I can go over there, also if I need someone to talk to she said that she's there for me...
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Okay, let's see two days ago I got into a huge argument with my mother, yes I still live at home sort of, I know it's pathetic really. So argument, it ends in me getting told to pack my bags, despite the fact that it's my nanna's house and I pay rent. The argument is over me not adding to the family, but then again...
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Well this is my first journal entry... what should I say? I need to get out of my house to renew my health card... that might be a good idea. Adair took and photo shopped my picture, I like it sort of... which isn't a normal thing if you knew me, I generally hate pictures of myself. I don't like what I look like
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Update your journal biatch and join some groups!

No, I'm not gay, just following Adair's orders... but hey, if you wanna get busy sometime, I'm always willing to try something new. Haha!
Hope the home situation improves for ya.
No, I'm not gay, just following Adair's orders... but hey, if you wanna get busy sometime, I'm always willing to try something new. Haha!

Hope the home situation improves for ya.
In any case, spend every spare moment looking for somewhere to move in to. Make a list of everyone you know, and give 'em all a try. There's always a way to escape, it's just finding it that's the hard part....
Best of luck to ya.