The party is tomorrow and I'm psyched. I was thinking with the left over supplies I could throw a horror movie party in a few weeks, anyone have any ideas? anyone interested?
I now just have to get through closing tonight at work with this girl who is fairly useless and working early tomorrow morning until 4:00. Luckily I switched my Saturday shift with someone for his Tuesday shift. I won't have to be peeling my face of the floor at 10:00am anymore.
The big bonus to this weekend that's like the cherry on top of the cake is that tomorrow is PAYDAY!!!. Yes I'll have money again and I won't be poor for a few minutes until I take rent money out that is. I think I need a better paying job, but I'm just so comfortable.
I now just have to get through closing tonight at work with this girl who is fairly useless and working early tomorrow morning until 4:00. Luckily I switched my Saturday shift with someone for his Tuesday shift. I won't have to be peeling my face of the floor at 10:00am anymore.
The big bonus to this weekend that's like the cherry on top of the cake is that tomorrow is PAYDAY!!!. Yes I'll have money again and I won't be poor for a few minutes until I take rent money out that is. I think I need a better paying job, but I'm just so comfortable.

consider this Thursday's post, I might just have to copy and paste it on Thurday which is tomorrow and not today. You hear that John, Thursday is tomorrow not today!
You are goofy. I still love you and at least it is less work tommorow. I love you Mr. Chef