Okay, let's see two days ago I got into a huge argument with my mother, yes I still live at home sort of, I know it's pathetic really. So argument, it ends in me getting told to pack my bags, despite the fact that it's my nanna's house and I pay rent. The argument is over me not adding to the family, but then again I'm a tenant, I pay rent. So I call my g/f and tell her that I need to get out of here and I need help because I can't take this shit anymore, my issues with my mother go way back and they only seem to get worse as time goes on. So I pack a bag and don't really know what to do. The plan is to spend two weeks at my g/f's mother's house however it seems now that I may just be as unwelcome there as I am here and I'm really having a tough time of it this time, this particular argument. My room mate has this possible place he'll be moving into in June with a few other guys and I'm welcome to join them but I don't know if I can take putting up with my mother until then and to top it all of she's getting a counsellor/psychologist and having us both sit down with him/her and talk over all of our issues and well I don't really think that, that is the best idea right now. She's controlling and only sees things her way and is completely unwilling to change so it's definately not going to work anything out. Thankfully I had one saving grace, my friend Dustin, his girlfriend Jessie and I went out of beer and wings and then Dustin and I went to go see Chronicles of Narnia which is pretty amazing for all of those who haven't seen it and are into fantasy and if anyone has read this far into this journal entry. Oh yeah my lebret is gone now too to top everything off. Luckily I'll be starting a one month career training program that I get paid for next Monday and after that I might be getting a job in a daycare. Ah well I guess it's just part of being me. Oh and if anyone is interested in knowing my mother is the kind of person who is has told me before that I'll never amount to anything, that I'm the reason my stepfather is an alcoholic, she hates men including me, and favors my sister in an argument or dispute and curses me severely for wrongs that my sister gets a slight slap on the wrist for. She also criticizes my work ethic and tells me that I can't hold a job not to mention several other things that are on that list somewhere. Well I guess that is enough for now and no I'm not emo, this isn't for attention or anything like that I'm just updating this thing because Adair told me to.