the first new blog on a new profile
mmmmmm tingly
today is technically my last day of freshers week and I'm using it to relax and recover from continuous liver damage and what felt like liver failure this morning.
So i'm perusing profiles, catching up on tv shows through itv catch up (hells hitchen usa is soooooooooooo funny)
Though is it right to laugh at gordan ramseys abuse (me thinks yes)
First day of proper lessons tomorrow so I'm abstaining from alcofrol tonight so i wake up all bright eyed and bushy tailed in the morning.
(gap of about 4 hours making phone calls and bolognaise in a bowl)
I'm back. Feeling a lil out of sorts though. One of my new flat mates is quite a lil social butterfly and though she's an amazing girl a few of her mates are a lil chav tastic and i have the distinct impression i may have told them while drunk
and ( on a further note) though i'm loving uni life i still feel like i'm not socialising as much as i should. But should i be forcing myself if i'm not that hugely sociable any way *hmmmmmmmmmmmmm*
much thought is needed ............................
any way i just filled my lil manga addiction for a while, ordered some berserk and reiko the zombie shop ^_^

mmmmmm tingly
today is technically my last day of freshers week and I'm using it to relax and recover from continuous liver damage and what felt like liver failure this morning.
So i'm perusing profiles, catching up on tv shows through itv catch up (hells hitchen usa is soooooooooooo funny)
Though is it right to laugh at gordan ramseys abuse (me thinks yes)
First day of proper lessons tomorrow so I'm abstaining from alcofrol tonight so i wake up all bright eyed and bushy tailed in the morning.
(gap of about 4 hours making phone calls and bolognaise in a bowl)
I'm back. Feeling a lil out of sorts though. One of my new flat mates is quite a lil social butterfly and though she's an amazing girl a few of her mates are a lil chav tastic and i have the distinct impression i may have told them while drunk

and ( on a further note) though i'm loving uni life i still feel like i'm not socialising as much as i should. But should i be forcing myself if i'm not that hugely sociable any way *hmmmmmmmmmmmmm*
much thought is needed ............................
any way i just filled my lil manga addiction for a while, ordered some berserk and reiko the zombie shop ^_^

i like you hairrr
was sexy bluee tooo hehe