bonjour mon amis

I'm slowly getting back into my blogging for the main reason I have the mother of all hangovers and am using the time of self inflicted illness to try and act like i exist in cyber space.

ok to begin

uno: these stupid blocks and barriers built into the uni's internet system are really frigging me off, i want to play games...
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new york, not london wink
hi! ^^
the first new blog on a new profile

mmmmmm tingly

today is technically my last day of freshers week and I'm using it to relax and recover from continuous liver damage and what felt like liver failure this morning.

So i'm perusing profiles, catching up on tv shows through itv catch up (hells hitchen usa is soooooooooooo funny)

Though is it right to laugh at...
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i like you hairrr biggrin was sexy bluee tooo hehe
hey, tinystar...i really like the body and face painitng! you owe it to yourself to get photographed for a full set for member review. i think you could make it hot, woman!