The Failure Of "The Gummi As Therapy" Experiment
I'm in a foul mood today
If you've known me long enough you've seen one of these
No real reason behind it
Just a bunch of little things piled on top of each other
Never quite figured out how to stop one of them from happening
They just happen
Around 11am today I declared that I needed a drink
Or a cigarette
Just one or two
Newports of course
Or both
Cigarettes and a beer or two
I opted for gummi
Gummi Cola Bottles
Since there's no single thing that's bothering me
Drowing in gummi was the most logical choice
I thought it would make me feel better
I have a stomach ache
A ball of gummi is trying to bore its way through my stomach lining
And yet I keep shoving them into my mouth
I'm in a foul mood today
If you've known me long enough you've seen one of these
No real reason behind it
Just a bunch of little things piled on top of each other
Never quite figured out how to stop one of them from happening
They just happen
Around 11am today I declared that I needed a drink
Or a cigarette
Just one or two
Newports of course
Or both
Cigarettes and a beer or two
I opted for gummi
Gummi Cola Bottles
Since there's no single thing that's bothering me
Drowing in gummi was the most logical choice
I thought it would make me feel better
I have a stomach ache
A ball of gummi is trying to bore its way through my stomach lining
And yet I keep shoving them into my mouth