"i am made of
pages, paragraphs and
Yaye! I'm just getting home from Ozzfest and I saw *THE* Joey Jordison. He is like..my drum idol. I love that man. He is fucking infuckingmotherfuckingcredible. Wow.. I just made a new word. :claps:
All 3 bands I wanted to see were amazing. Bleeding Through, OTEP and of course, Slipknot. OTEP fuckin rocked! I couldn't believe that chickie's energy. I had to be a nerd and get my picture with her. :sigh: She's a very angry grrl who need a hug..or two. Maybe three.
And I talked to Bleeding Through and got picies with them too. :points to self: I am an official dork. They opened the show and just woke my ass up. I was dragging at 930 in the am but they took care of that. Hurrah to them.
Okie..ninite. I'm poopadid.
pages, paragraphs and
Yaye! I'm just getting home from Ozzfest and I saw *THE* Joey Jordison. He is like..my drum idol. I love that man. He is fucking infuckingmotherfuckingcredible. Wow.. I just made a new word. :claps:
All 3 bands I wanted to see were amazing. Bleeding Through, OTEP and of course, Slipknot. OTEP fuckin rocked! I couldn't believe that chickie's energy. I had to be a nerd and get my picture with her. :sigh: She's a very angry grrl who need a hug..or two. Maybe three.
And I talked to Bleeding Through and got picies with them too. :points to self: I am an official dork. They opened the show and just woke my ass up. I was dragging at 930 in the am but they took care of that. Hurrah to them.

Okie..ninite. I'm poopadid.
You are such a Rocker Girrrlll..
Why aren't there more out there like you???

Why are we like....the only ones with journal entries. How weak.