so instead of going to bed last night at a decent time like I much needed, i decided to stay up and work on dad's father's day gift. about had a fit when i was trying to hammer these TINY little nails into the frame for the little holder. damn things are hard to work with. got all the stuff mounted on the background, and was working on putting it all in the frame. well... i'm fooling around with it cuz i realized i forgot a step, when i notice a little spot of red on one of the certificates, that i swear wasn't there before. i'm looking at my arm, cuz i knew i'd hit it earlier, maybe i was bleeding... nope, not my arm. i figured it was just ink that i missed seeing before. keep going, and i see more, on the picture of the boat my grandfather came to america on. just a tiny spot. somehow, i look at my hand. oh yeah, my finger is bleeding. i think i cut it when I was putting the glass back into the frame. thank god i caught it when i did, otherwise i probably would have bled all over his present!!
now who makes themselves BLEED when making a gift!!?!?? geeze...
now who makes themselves BLEED when making a gift!!?!?? geeze...

is your finger ok?