so i'm completely bored and no one is online. so i'm eating sweedish fish and mini chocolate covered oreos.
i went to my alma matter tonight to talk to one of my professors about grad schools. also met up with my friends levi and jim. it was nice to see them. but now i'm just here... by myself
j's male-pms'ing... it's great lemme tell you...
i went to my alma matter tonight to talk to one of my professors about grad schools. also met up with my friends levi and jim. it was nice to see them. but now i'm just here... by myself

j's male-pms'ing... it's great lemme tell you...

How does male pms go? I don't think I have ever come across that before?

if you google search "male pms" you'll get a good laugh. i however, was being sarcastic. apparently he, and several other males in the area, have been acting as emotional as girls. i don't get it...