over the whole dad being a prick thing... on to more exciting and happy topics!
i discovered that i can hook up my old (read: very grainy/shitty) webcam to this compy and share my ever exciting life with you! (or just Mle) So yay for that!
then yesterday, my celly rings, and i don't recognize the number, but upon answering, find out it's a friend of mine from college who's number i didn't have programed! i was so excited to hear from him, we haven't talked in ages! he invited me down last night, but i'm actually going on tuesday, so i'm gonna try to hang with him a little then.
and also, j got off work REALLY early yesterday, so we decided to go to hershey park for the afternoon w/ lexi. it is the spring preview weekend, so you don't pay to get in, you pay for tickets for rides. so we went on the chocolate world ride (the "chocolate man" ride if you ask lex), and went into the park. he wanted to take her to the zoo there, and i thought it was free, but it was actually 8 tickets/person over the age of 2. well... we decide lexi can pass as 2 if she doesn't talk, so we only get enough tickets for the two of us. the people never even questioned it. haha! the zoo kinda sucked, and then we went on the kissing tower, at 4 tickets/person over the age of 1. well, we manage to scam them too, and only give 4 tickets! then on the tilt-a-whirl we only gave 10 instead of 12. so all in all, hershey park workers are pretty dense... but we had a good time. my flip-flops busted up my feet though
and today i'm going to (hopefully) see west side story at my old high school. we did it as our musical when i was a freshman, and i want to see how they do it now.
Edited to add: My kitty's not doing so good. Mom just talked to me about it... might have to put her to sleep.
I know she's really old and all, but she's still my kitty!
i discovered that i can hook up my old (read: very grainy/shitty) webcam to this compy and share my ever exciting life with you! (or just Mle) So yay for that!

then yesterday, my celly rings, and i don't recognize the number, but upon answering, find out it's a friend of mine from college who's number i didn't have programed! i was so excited to hear from him, we haven't talked in ages! he invited me down last night, but i'm actually going on tuesday, so i'm gonna try to hang with him a little then.
and also, j got off work REALLY early yesterday, so we decided to go to hershey park for the afternoon w/ lexi. it is the spring preview weekend, so you don't pay to get in, you pay for tickets for rides. so we went on the chocolate world ride (the "chocolate man" ride if you ask lex), and went into the park. he wanted to take her to the zoo there, and i thought it was free, but it was actually 8 tickets/person over the age of 2. well... we decide lexi can pass as 2 if she doesn't talk, so we only get enough tickets for the two of us. the people never even questioned it. haha! the zoo kinda sucked, and then we went on the kissing tower, at 4 tickets/person over the age of 1. well, we manage to scam them too, and only give 4 tickets! then on the tilt-a-whirl we only gave 10 instead of 12. so all in all, hershey park workers are pretty dense... but we had a good time. my flip-flops busted up my feet though

and today i'm going to (hopefully) see west side story at my old high school. we did it as our musical when i was a freshman, and i want to see how they do it now.
Edited to add: My kitty's not doing so good. Mom just talked to me about it... might have to put her to sleep.

I think Isadora's dog is an Italian Greyhound.
Thanks for the belated wishes!