Sooo....Its day 2 of my week off.
I woke up at 11. I cleaned the bathroom, and had a muffin and some coffee. Opened the windows, as its supposed to be 70 here today, and I lit a yummy candle. And now here I am.
So went shopping for wedding rings last night. Im sooo simple, I think we may just get two silver bands and call it a day. The place that we went to had all this shit crusted(mmmm crusted) in diamonds. That just is not my thing at all.
I have been so productive these past few days. I worked out for a while yesterday, and made some killer fajitas.
My dude is lucky. He came home and dinner was ready..I'm like Donna Reed, bitches.
My head is in such a great place. I started to think about the new job, and I know I can kick some ass doing it this time around.
Yeah and so its Tuesday, which means I can get my Rob Corddry fix.. Is it so wrong that I have a huge crush on him?
I could type some more shoegazing nonsense, but I will leave you with this.
My universe is delivering amazing things. I'm one lucky poptart.

I woke up at 11. I cleaned the bathroom, and had a muffin and some coffee. Opened the windows, as its supposed to be 70 here today, and I lit a yummy candle. And now here I am.
So went shopping for wedding rings last night. Im sooo simple, I think we may just get two silver bands and call it a day. The place that we went to had all this shit crusted(mmmm crusted) in diamonds. That just is not my thing at all.
I have been so productive these past few days. I worked out for a while yesterday, and made some killer fajitas.
My dude is lucky. He came home and dinner was ready..I'm like Donna Reed, bitches.
My head is in such a great place. I started to think about the new job, and I know I can kick some ass doing it this time around.
Yeah and so its Tuesday, which means I can get my Rob Corddry fix.. Is it so wrong that I have a huge crush on him?
I could type some more shoegazing nonsense, but I will leave you with this.
My universe is delivering amazing things. I'm one lucky poptart.

Thanks for the fun photo, Miss Reed.
Simple is best.