Its Wednesday, mid-way through my last week at this wretched fuckhole of a job. I hate this crap infested office, and I look forward to Friday nite where I drink myself insane celebrating not working there. Actually I will not be drinking, I lie. as I try to fix my weight I have to curb shit like too much drink.
My mom and I had a lengthy conversation yesterday. It was productive, and I am pleased to say she is making some changes that I have encouraged her to make years ago. So we shall see. She sounded very very good. She was watching hockey, so I tried not to bother her too much, as that is one of the few things she does for her.From what I have gathered, it was a combo of work and health issues that triggered this. She then quickly has begun to rebuild. My brother is ok, and this scared him a bit into actually getting out of his room and playing WoW, and help her around the house. I will be going up there though in the next few weeks after she gets some tests done and such, to help her then with yard work and Spring Cleaning and such. I just feel so much better knowing that things are not what the worst case I placed in my head.
Brian and I had a long and interesting talk about his tantrums that he throws about his job. I keep trying to work the Secret and the Laws of Attraction into our talks, and I think he gets where I'm coming from. He is starting to see that you create things, that they don't just "happen" and that if the Universe seems out to get you, than chances are you are making it so. He dwells in all the bad, and never really looks at what is solid and good. Sometimes I have to pull him back and remind him of all the greatness he has in his life, so he can open up his mind to the positive energy and allow good to happen, sure enough I started throwing examples at him of when things were good, how they got better, and before I knew it he was very interested in talking with me about what I have been studying. I am pleased.
I go to get my blood work updated next week, I fear needles. So this will be fun.
I didn't play any DS last night, and now I am sad.ha ha dork.
I think I will be reading my past journals today and trying to see what my patterns of mood are. I really need to learn that what I expect of others is far less than what I expect of myself. Thats pretty unfair.
If anybody needs me, leave a message with this man, Frank Stallone.
Oh and as of 3/19/07 I will be on here dramatically less, so get me while you can.