What does being fat mean? Really? Why the fuck does it matter? Why do you strive so hard to look how certain people want you to look instead of doing what makes you happy?
I will not have a 24 inch waist, I will not weight 100lbs. I wont do it for you and I wont do it for anyone else.
If people do not join my site because they think I am fat, thats fine, if I dont get work because I am cosidered overweight, also fine. I will make my own rules, after all it is my site. I am real, and I am sexy.
I am so over this nonsense of pointing out ribs or pointing out "curves"
Some girls are thin very very thin, to the point that they get called sick, and its just the way they are born, some people are born heavier, and they are called fat. I could go on forever about this.
Im just really getting tired of people putting so much inportance in a waist size and letting that determine their worth. This coming from a girl with an eating disorder. One I am beating.
I stayed up way too late last night playing video games and fucking. i ate my dinner and had cookies. And you can give me shit for not killing myself for my art, but Im happy with me. I learned something this weekend. It is it sexier to live then to spend your life dening things that are good for you, and that improve your spirit. Everything in moderation.
***Artisits**** I will be working on my site this weekend, i would love to have some drawings of me on there, if any of you guys are interested PM me!!
Im more in love with my life and myself than ever. I came to work looking like a hobo today. Awesome. The Olsen twins would be proud.
I have more than a little meat on my bones, and I woke up in the middle of the nite fianlly happy with it.

I will not have a 24 inch waist, I will not weight 100lbs. I wont do it for you and I wont do it for anyone else.
If people do not join my site because they think I am fat, thats fine, if I dont get work because I am cosidered overweight, also fine. I will make my own rules, after all it is my site. I am real, and I am sexy.
I am so over this nonsense of pointing out ribs or pointing out "curves"
Some girls are thin very very thin, to the point that they get called sick, and its just the way they are born, some people are born heavier, and they are called fat. I could go on forever about this.
Im just really getting tired of people putting so much inportance in a waist size and letting that determine their worth. This coming from a girl with an eating disorder. One I am beating.
I stayed up way too late last night playing video games and fucking. i ate my dinner and had cookies. And you can give me shit for not killing myself for my art, but Im happy with me. I learned something this weekend. It is it sexier to live then to spend your life dening things that are good for you, and that improve your spirit. Everything in moderation.
***Artisits**** I will be working on my site this weekend, i would love to have some drawings of me on there, if any of you guys are interested PM me!!
Im more in love with my life and myself than ever. I came to work looking like a hobo today. Awesome. The Olsen twins would be proud.
I have more than a little meat on my bones, and I woke up in the middle of the nite fianlly happy with it.

Isn't it wonderful when you finally start to feel comfortable in your own skin?
I'm happy with your body too...
Hells yea I am.