Today I have alot to say, but it will be the last time you hear from me till next week, so if you want to read it later go ahead.
1-The Secret. Thanks to The Laws of Attraction, I met Martini. Somehow it manifested itself to be so. Now I'm not a crystal gripping new wave hippie or anything, but I have been educating myself on this way of thinking for quite sometime, and it has changed my life. At the SGCC beach party a few weeks back, I met a guy from Boston. Harmless flirtation ensued. MySpace turned it into a day to day relationship now. A few weeks back I just started thinking about how much I would love to have someone in my life who knew more about all this, and about some other schools of thought. I have been sticking my feet back into Christianity a bit more, and am wondering about other religions. Yesterday he and I just start talking about how I almost didnt go, but that something was pulling me. He said he was hypnotized that afternoon, and that it allowed him to be more aware of things, and that as they say"whoosh" our vavles of energy were open enough to be aware of the other. Anyhow, it was a fucking blessing. Its a very great dynamic. Brian is supportive of it too, because he sort of thinks its hippie nonsense, but has seen how much my study has improved my self worth, and in turn our relationship.
2-I really feel bad for Britney Spears. Im sorry to start celeb chatting on my journal. But for shit sake, she is around my age. I grew up with a girl who was raised by her mother and grandmother and they forced her into pagents till she was 18. You know at 7 painted up like a tramp paradeing around is not healthy, it warps you a bit. My girfriend then went to college and drank herself to dealth. Multiply that by a billion. This girl is at the end of her rope. Maybe the family was her attempt at being "normal" but when someone has no grasp of what normal is, its hard to replicate that. I dont know, I'm just assuming. But really its sad.And yes, its sad for the kids too.
3-Sex um I had it last night. It was nice because he has been sort of distant the past day or two, and I always internalize that as it being my fault. Its stress, so it was nice that he wanted me. It was the best I have had in a while.
4-I have found an old friend via MySpace too, an Engligh teacher from my H.S and I were songwriting partners awhile back, and he had a cool powerpop band. The drummer of said band and I got incredibly close. I actually hung out with him the whole time he recovered from a major operation. well he and I were always into eachother after I got out of school. But age difference was too much at that time. He is younger by a few years than Brian. Well I was on the bands myspace page I contacted him. He was shocked at my career and well, me. It was nice. So yea to new friends. As much as i hate MySpace, its been quite a plus the last few days..
So, I leave for my trip tomorrow. Today I work, then shop for stuff for our visit. 1 more sleep. I am starting to get that butterfly feeling. I wont be on here I assume, maybe I will get on at my mom's and say hi. There will be pictures, and I will post them when I return.
I love you guys.
Frank Stallone approves of this journal
1-The Secret. Thanks to The Laws of Attraction, I met Martini. Somehow it manifested itself to be so. Now I'm not a crystal gripping new wave hippie or anything, but I have been educating myself on this way of thinking for quite sometime, and it has changed my life. At the SGCC beach party a few weeks back, I met a guy from Boston. Harmless flirtation ensued. MySpace turned it into a day to day relationship now. A few weeks back I just started thinking about how much I would love to have someone in my life who knew more about all this, and about some other schools of thought. I have been sticking my feet back into Christianity a bit more, and am wondering about other religions. Yesterday he and I just start talking about how I almost didnt go, but that something was pulling me. He said he was hypnotized that afternoon, and that it allowed him to be more aware of things, and that as they say"whoosh" our vavles of energy were open enough to be aware of the other. Anyhow, it was a fucking blessing. Its a very great dynamic. Brian is supportive of it too, because he sort of thinks its hippie nonsense, but has seen how much my study has improved my self worth, and in turn our relationship.
2-I really feel bad for Britney Spears. Im sorry to start celeb chatting on my journal. But for shit sake, she is around my age. I grew up with a girl who was raised by her mother and grandmother and they forced her into pagents till she was 18. You know at 7 painted up like a tramp paradeing around is not healthy, it warps you a bit. My girfriend then went to college and drank herself to dealth. Multiply that by a billion. This girl is at the end of her rope. Maybe the family was her attempt at being "normal" but when someone has no grasp of what normal is, its hard to replicate that. I dont know, I'm just assuming. But really its sad.And yes, its sad for the kids too.
3-Sex um I had it last night. It was nice because he has been sort of distant the past day or two, and I always internalize that as it being my fault. Its stress, so it was nice that he wanted me. It was the best I have had in a while.
4-I have found an old friend via MySpace too, an Engligh teacher from my H.S and I were songwriting partners awhile back, and he had a cool powerpop band. The drummer of said band and I got incredibly close. I actually hung out with him the whole time he recovered from a major operation. well he and I were always into eachother after I got out of school. But age difference was too much at that time. He is younger by a few years than Brian. Well I was on the bands myspace page I contacted him. He was shocked at my career and well, me. It was nice. So yea to new friends. As much as i hate MySpace, its been quite a plus the last few days..
So, I leave for my trip tomorrow. Today I work, then shop for stuff for our visit. 1 more sleep. I am starting to get that butterfly feeling. I wont be on here I assume, maybe I will get on at my mom's and say hi. There will be pictures, and I will post them when I return.
I love you guys.
Frank Stallone approves of this journal
