Arrgh weekend nearly over but been a reaaallly nice one !
Went Kissmassy Shopping on Sat..and only got my neice's presents..bought a new necklace and tiny hair crown for myself! Muaha
Ill do the rest online i think ..
I also bought the cuuutest xmas for me with Tinks on it and one for Chris with Winnie the Pooh
I sooo love it. Thennn... after shopping I went and booked in for my CHESTPIECE!!! It all begins on the 16th December with two hours outlining work.
I am..
SO nervous.
My tattooist even told me to take painkillers... excited but still..ARRGH!! Its going to be beautiful though
Yesterday me and my famous went to the Frankfurt markets ;D sooo beautiful! Bought haribo and drank hot chocolate with Jager in it (Yes, it suprisingly works..) and then chilled last night.. same again tonight.. maybe some wine, watch the x factor that i missed last night and then to bed
Hope everyone had a looovely weekend
Love to all *hugs n kisses*
Dre xoxox

Went Kissmassy Shopping on Sat..and only got my neice's presents..bought a new necklace and tiny hair crown for myself! Muaha

I also bought the cuuutest xmas for me with Tinks on it and one for Chris with Winnie the Pooh

I am..
SO nervous.
My tattooist even told me to take painkillers...

Yesterday me and my famous went to the Frankfurt markets ;D sooo beautiful! Bought haribo and drank hot chocolate with Jager in it (Yes, it suprisingly works..) and then chilled last night.. same again tonight.. maybe some wine, watch the x factor that i missed last night and then to bed

Hope everyone had a looovely weekend

Love to all *hugs n kisses*
Dre xoxox

where my comment gooo ?!?!??!
haha...its too early to go christmas shopping! i always end up buying myself stuff too...