1. I'm one of the biggest Disney freaks you will EVER meet.

2. I have a serious Mt. Dew addiction.

3.Been dancing since I was three. (ballet, tap,modern, jazz)

4. I have moved over 30 times in my life. ( and no I'm not an army brat).

5. I have 2 birthmarks. One on my leg and the other is under my armpit.

6. I...
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You are too cute for words! Is that a Pocahontas tattoo?
well thank you gorgeous and yes, yes it is a Pocahontas tattoo!

If you haven't already don't forget to check out my photo set that's in member review and if you like whatcha see give it a like!

<3 Thanks babes!<3


Thought it might be a fun way to get some thought and feelings out. Not to mention a good way for lots of people and maybe my followers to get to know a little better too!Check it out:
