so i'm fucked for finals. i'm trying not to be nervous about it. because that isn't going to help at all, it's just going to make my life in the meantime shittier.
anyways! the fun news about finals is that i have both my finals on my 20th birthday which is also on the 20th! imagine that. happy bday to me, here are two finals.
what i hate more than being ditched/left out is the fact that i don't really care and only need to let go of these social discourses which trap me into thinking i need other people to be "normal"
what is normal? a stereotyped mask where everyone can feel safe and secure and ignorant to the fact that nothing is normal. nothing is as it 'should be', and it never WILL BE...
i know people. mostly people i work with, (because i think they are pathetic and will not hang out with them), who think that they are normal. i study them to see that they are more fucked up then i would ever want to be.
normal... the sociotypical person cannot hold a candle to the insane. the different. the abnormal. these are the people that shape the world. these are the people that i love, and hold dear.
normal sucks...
um so my controller is being spazzy and making gaming a real hell. but! i was inspired to dl a genesis emulator and mkII and holy god, this game is hard. i love it!!
man i should do homework, or sleep, or something. bah. i'll prob just fiddle w/my lj for the rest of the evening. and be retarded for my job thingie tomorrow.
i erase at least 2/3 of the comments i write instead of posting them (and the ones i do post are usually because i'm hyper, and thus, make little sense).
now tell me, what pointless thing do you do, all the time?