Reading a recent geek-culture thread on the boards has made me consider myself, and my lifestyle, in great depth.
I have a problem in that i deeply want to understand everything. If i pass a ticket operated gate in an airport carpark, i can't take it for granted, i have to stop and ponder the infrastructure; what would the database holding the information look like, what would the primary keys be. On a similar note, i would kill to see the backend of large sites like Amazon, or even SG.
It's not even limited to computing, i want to know how every little bit of integrated home automation electronics work, i want to understand PIR lights, car engines, mobile phones, telegraph poles, four wheel drive gearboxes and nailguns. Everything.
I have good general knowledge, and a fairly good grasp of logic (or at least i like to think so), so after a little while i can work out how most things do work, and sometimes that suffices. But on occassion i obsess completely, i decide that i must immediately go home and start a new project. I must build one of these! But i am also lazy and impatient. Most of my projects never come into fruition, my house is strewn with half built computer systems and so on. I put myself more and more into debt by buying components and devices so that i can hack them, or just understand them. But the majority of the projects never get finalised.
I also have large interests in history, philosophy, physics, biology, language, sociology and the occult. But virtually no one to discuss any of them with. I'm on the verge of beginning another degree, this time in history and philosophy and i look forward to it immensely, but i know that it will lead to more blank looks from my friends and collegues, more money spent on books, and even more hours spent aimlessly googling every little factoid i spot.
My geekiness is both the best, and worst thing in my life.

I have a problem in that i deeply want to understand everything. If i pass a ticket operated gate in an airport carpark, i can't take it for granted, i have to stop and ponder the infrastructure; what would the database holding the information look like, what would the primary keys be. On a similar note, i would kill to see the backend of large sites like Amazon, or even SG.
It's not even limited to computing, i want to know how every little bit of integrated home automation electronics work, i want to understand PIR lights, car engines, mobile phones, telegraph poles, four wheel drive gearboxes and nailguns. Everything.
I have good general knowledge, and a fairly good grasp of logic (or at least i like to think so), so after a little while i can work out how most things do work, and sometimes that suffices. But on occassion i obsess completely, i decide that i must immediately go home and start a new project. I must build one of these! But i am also lazy and impatient. Most of my projects never come into fruition, my house is strewn with half built computer systems and so on. I put myself more and more into debt by buying components and devices so that i can hack them, or just understand them. But the majority of the projects never get finalised.
I also have large interests in history, philosophy, physics, biology, language, sociology and the occult. But virtually no one to discuss any of them with. I'm on the verge of beginning another degree, this time in history and philosophy and i look forward to it immensely, but i know that it will lead to more blank looks from my friends and collegues, more money spent on books, and even more hours spent aimlessly googling every little factoid i spot.
My geekiness is both the best, and worst thing in my life.

Cool York dungeon was pretty cool. The queue was a pain up the arse though! LOL
thank you