where are my messages? i post a picture and they all dry up. i expect at least one comment by the time i get up tomorrow
so it's a beautiful day today.
i dont really like the sun, and heat gives me headaches.
todays been okay.
i've been waiting for the case of jolt cola that i ordered to arrive. virtually no where sells it in the uk, and since it's almost the holy grail of caffiene for programmers, i've been after some for 6 years or more. anyway i finally found a place that stocks it. and bought some. but it didnt come.
i generally just sat around today. i cooked myself chicken noodle soup for lunch, and had a long kendo practice in the garden. used my katana today. it's really not wise to practice alone with any kind of edged weapon, especially not one this sharp. but i'm very comfortable with blades, and when you get the urge to practice... you practice.
where are my messages? i post a picture and they all dry up. i expect at least one comment by the time i get up tomorrow
so it's a beautiful day today.
i dont really like the sun, and heat gives me headaches.
todays been okay.
i've been waiting for the case of jolt cola that i ordered to arrive. virtually no where sells it in the uk, and since it's almost the holy grail of caffiene for programmers, i've been after some for 6 years or more. anyway i finally found a place that stocks it. and bought some. but it didnt come.
i generally just sat around today. i cooked myself chicken noodle soup for lunch, and had a long kendo practice in the garden. used my katana today. it's really not wise to practice alone with any kind of edged weapon, especially not one this sharp. but i'm very comfortable with blades, and when you get the urge to practice... you practice.
yeah, i know you knew some, but what kind of geek would leave out half the details?
heh, dozy bastard. i posted that in my own journal by mistake, then thought "blimey, he answered that quick," when i saw the comment count go up