I've been writing on those post-its for months at work. Makes sense really. Thought i'd add one to my wall.
Haven't updated in a while. To be honest you didn't miss much.
Ever had to set your photoshop scratch disc as a 2gig Lexar Pro 80x Compact Flash card, connected via USB 2.0 just because you didn't have the hard drive space to start it up?
I have. I don't recommend it.
Another DSLR turns up tomorrow morning. A 350D this time. It's a girls camera really, way too small for me. But great for throwing in the bag when i'm going to work, or whatever, it virtually weighs nothing. Plus i can fit it in my F-2 along with the other two cameras. Nice.
I wanted to go to the zoo this weekend, but my friend vicky has some emo kid visiting her. It's not as much fun going alone.
But then again, there are meercats.
I really want to do something this weekend. I finished a HUGE project at work, and i'd like to celebrate. It seems my way of celebrating is different to most peoples though. I just want to sit around, drink coffee, watch movies, eat, cinema. Some conversation would be nice.
i want to go to the zoo again soon. although it does kind of depress me.
to add to ways of celebrating: i dont like getting stupidly drunk ever. i agree with your way of doing things