I feel like a douche bag. So I told the guy I hit that I don't want to get insurance involved but I asked him to help me pay for the damage to my car since I did technically have the right of way. I went around and tried to find the cheapest, fix the bare minimum to make it drivable I could find. I...
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Yeah, he hit your car, and he owes you. Guilt trip crap shouldn't matter, besides whats to miss in France, they love Jerry Lewis and eat snails for cryin out loud!!!
Noodles is delicious. And so very cheap for employees. wink
The show opened last night and the actors did really well, Im vry proud of them. The show only goes on for two nights so today I went out to the Greeley small (get it? small/mall) and I F*crashed my car. I don't know what the fuck happended. Either I wasnt paying attention or he wasn't paying attention or we both werent paying attention. But...
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Oh Man, that sucks! I'm sorry.

Glad the show went well tho.
black looks great on you! sorry to hear about the migraines, they suck!
heyo! thanks for the suggestion with the pineapple!
i got long time to figure something out as i have to finish my sleve yet.
maybe i'll let my artist put a winged ice cream cone on me. or a......tomato! hahah no idea yet!
GAH! I just spent the last hour and a half trying to dye my hair and I'm not sure I like it even!!!!!! I got dye shit all over the shower, I droped some on the floor, I tried to scrub it all up (I think I got most of the stuff on the floor) and I even put an F*ing towl down so I...
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Well, I'm sorry that sucked! So its been a week now, what do you think? Post a picture??
It's St. Patty's day! WOOT! Damn not being 21. Not that I drink that much anyway, but it is nice to have a beer or a glass of wine every now and then. I'm sure I'll find something to do. I know! I'm going to make cookies! biggrin biggrin Then I will share with ppl. Hopefully I find something a bit more exciting than that to keep...
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I want cookies!!! Glad you got out of acting in something you weren't that into. I agree, I found the backstage element much more rewarding than acting. But then I was always a designer/technician. I find St.Patty's day (at least in the city where I am) over rated: a bunch of yahoos out to get loaded and looking for a fight. But yes, a glass of beer or wine is just the thing now and again. The 21 law is really kind of silly and arbitrary. In my opinion.
All I am is backup for the computers. As long as they keep working, I just sit here.
So I'm casted in a show. It's not currently affiliated with a club or class, we are just doing it just becuase. I really don't want to be in it now. I wish I could uncast myself and assistant direct instead. The director said that I could do that becuase it is still early on in the staging process that I could back out. I...
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It's still early in the rehearsal process. I don't think it would be a very big deal to pull out at this point. Now on the night of dress rehearsal, that would be a problem! Don't stress about it!
I need to do some soul searching, I don't know what I want to do with my life!

But my friends and I signed a lease yesterday for a house next year! I'm really excitied! biggrin
Cool, that's exciting! Don't worry, you have some time to figure out the rest of your life.
Where does it say I'm a Hopeful?
I had a really freaky dream last night. All I remember is that is was night time, I was in a parking lot and I was choking on abnormally large chunks of glass. I swear I could even feel it cutting my throat and it was all bloody and gross when I finally coughed it up. I was curious so I thought I'd look online...
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Awesome, glad I'm not the only dyed-in-the-wool hard core Tolkien fan around here! It's a beautiful name too.
aren't dream interpretations so freaky? they spooked me after i dreamed of a white bat, only to look it up & find out it means someone i love will die! dooooooom!!!!!!!
I DON'T HAVE TO GET A ROOT CANAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin

I am so happy, b/c surgery + mid terms = bad!

And my chiped tooth is fixed too. YAY!
root canals blow... i had to get one...
the procedure itself doesnt hurt... its the stupid needles to numb that hurt... puke
Yay for no root canals!! Hooray!
I know I've already kinda ranted about this before but It's been on my mind a lot. The more involved with music I get the more I want to do that over theatre. I don't think I would go as drastic as changing my major from Thea Ed to Music Ed b/c I really want to direct a 1 act. I want to write songs...
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Here's an idea: find a one act you like -or even a student who is writing a one act- get some people together, and direct it. It'd be a ton of work, but you'd have a blast!
I'm not sure how I stumbled upon your blog, but I did. I was a Music Ed major in college. Now, I'm a conference planner, which has nothing to do with anything. Take a couple music theory classes to expand your songwriting. I learned a whole ton from them.
I got a effing ticket today. I got lost trying to get to walgreens to pick up a perscription after visting the dentist for my bashed up gums and an asshole cop pulls me over for "running a stop sign" what freaking stop sign?! I really wish I had tried to defend myself now but at the time the best idea seemed to keep my...
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Thanks! I did!
Thanks! biggrin