Allright, first entry ever here...
I have been trying to becoime a suicidegirl but my two first sets were denied. I don't really have acces to a good photographer in my area so I am kinda depending on friends here. I hope all you gorgous people will elave me some comments because I do intend to become one.
It really means a lot to me. As a hypersensitive ADHD'r I was always told I would never get anywhere in my life, and end up in the gutter and such. I am now nearly graduating as an archaeologist which is truely quite amazing. (for you people who have know..

The other reason why I find this so important is that I have always had issues about the way I look. My dentist screwed up on me so my teeth look kinda bad. (well, they're not straight) I really just want to send out a signal to all the people out there who are being told they are nothing, while in fact they can do what they want if they just believe...sounds cheesy I know.
Anyways, your help would be greatly appreciated. It really really would!
Maybe more close up, and more make-up?...
Welcome here!
all the shallowness aside, you have a positive attitude that makes me want to see you have sets up even more than i already did, because i know you deserve it and it would be a nice thing for yo.
keep it up, lovely!