DEAR POSH.. after that last message you sent me i realized, i'm not really too interested in being your friend anymore. Pretentious and callous girls aren't really my cup of tea anyhow.
Plus, you pseudo glamorous types really piss me off.. i don't really see anything POSH about you. Where did you get those 'heels' you wore in your last set? payless?.
Come on now, you should change your name to something that suits you more like.. "DOWDY".
ha! don't be such a fucking bitch next time :o)
catch ya later!
Plus, you pseudo glamorous types really piss me off.. i don't really see anything POSH about you. Where did you get those 'heels' you wore in your last set? payless?.
Come on now, you should change your name to something that suits you more like.. "DOWDY".
ha! don't be such a fucking bitch next time :o)
catch ya later!

Lol. damm now tell us how you really feel. 

posh spice?