Well... It's been a little while since I actually updated this journal. I really need to do this more often. It's the second of two blogs that I keep. I originally got this for the picture sets, because... well... I'm male and I like nude women.
On to the pic sets... It's a rare ocassion when a set is put up and I'm impressed enough by it that I look at it multiple times and make myself feel like a stalker. Echo's last set was very very nice. Hence the reason that she's in my favorites list now.
School... School is good, it's just tiring. Who knew that an English degree would involve so much reading and writing. Reading Emerson in American Lit 1 at the moment and reading some medieval mystical texts in English Lit 1. Doing quite well in French at the moment. Hoping to hold my 3.7 GPA for as long as possible. [crosses fingers]
Love life... well.. still putting that all in order. It's there, but it's just taken a back seat everything else. I guess that I can look forward to "Steak and a Blowjob Day". It's what a friend of my decided needed to be the day for men, instead of Valentine's day. Since VDay is all about Chocolates and Jewelry for women, St&Bj Day is all about men... I like the concept. Must find out what day it's on and schedule something
Au revior, mon amies!
On to the pic sets... It's a rare ocassion when a set is put up and I'm impressed enough by it that I look at it multiple times and make myself feel like a stalker. Echo's last set was very very nice. Hence the reason that she's in my favorites list now.
School... School is good, it's just tiring. Who knew that an English degree would involve so much reading and writing. Reading Emerson in American Lit 1 at the moment and reading some medieval mystical texts in English Lit 1. Doing quite well in French at the moment. Hoping to hold my 3.7 GPA for as long as possible. [crosses fingers]
Love life... well.. still putting that all in order. It's there, but it's just taken a back seat everything else. I guess that I can look forward to "Steak and a Blowjob Day". It's what a friend of my decided needed to be the day for men, instead of Valentine's day. Since VDay is all about Chocolates and Jewelry for women, St&Bj Day is all about men... I like the concept. Must find out what day it's on and schedule something
Au revior, mon amies!
Good Luck in school. I always loved my Comp. Lit. classes that I took in college, for some reason, even though I hated English class in high school before that. But, you're right, it's all reading and writing papers. Sounds like you've got some interesting reading, though.
It's interesting to hear a man's perspective on V-day. I always thought it was about both men and women and celebrating the relationship. I have always been very generous with the men that I'm with on V-day So, I didn't realize that it was considered a "woman's holiday" and that men would need their own....interesting....