Happy Singles Awareness Day! Which is only me I suppose lol. I reallly hope once I get this thing for my car I'll be able to do everything by my self. because I want to meet new people and get out of the house. It hurts me more and more to see everyone who is happy. I need out of here so badly.
More Blogs
Monday Jan 09, 2012
Well, it's only 9 days late of a "new years" blog. So, it's okay! … -
Wednesday Dec 21, 2011
So, court was today. Stomps has until the 1st to move. Although this … -
Monday Dec 12, 2011
So Tis almost X-MAS!!!! I'm so super duper excited!!!! Words can't ev… -
Monday Nov 07, 2011
I do rather enjoy the sound of a heated phone argument in the afterno… -
Tuesday Nov 01, 2011
I don't really blog alot, or really ever say what the fuck i'm thinki… -
Wednesday Oct 05, 2011
RIP Mr. Steve Jobs. You were an amazing man, with a stellar vision. … -
Wednesday Aug 17, 2011
Ugh it makes me so sad that I couldn't steal Rosetta Stone off of the… -
Friday Jul 29, 2011
Hiya SG land hope everything is super duper spiffy with you all. I j… -
Thursday Jul 07, 2011
Howdy ho folks! How's everyone been? Hopefully super. Haven't really … -
Saturday Jun 25, 2011
I am super duper terribad at updating this thing and I am well aware.…