RIP Mr. Steve Jobs. You were an amazing man, with a stellar vision.
In other news, I think it's really cute when people feel the need to say "hurtful" things on other peoples facebooks. I don't know weather to be hurt by it, or feel accomplished because they're thinking about me.. =D.
Elizabeth Jarrell Maybe if you were a cripple and collecting money from the government.
Elizabeth Jarrell Or if you used a Mac and played WoW while the only thing you were accomplishing was leaving an imprint of your ass in the love-seat. At least people would know where to find your dead body.
Elizabeth Jarrell Oh, and a suggestion, you should take your next facebook picture with your mouth open.
Elizabeth Jarrell wait a minute, that sounds like a certain cripple we both know.
At least I can sleep knowing I will never ever be a lamer like her
In other news, I think it's really cute when people feel the need to say "hurtful" things on other peoples facebooks. I don't know weather to be hurt by it, or feel accomplished because they're thinking about me.. =D.
Elizabeth Jarrell Maybe if you were a cripple and collecting money from the government.
Elizabeth Jarrell Or if you used a Mac and played WoW while the only thing you were accomplishing was leaving an imprint of your ass in the love-seat. At least people would know where to find your dead body.
Elizabeth Jarrell Oh, and a suggestion, you should take your next facebook picture with your mouth open.
Elizabeth Jarrell wait a minute, that sounds like a certain cripple we both know.
At least I can sleep knowing I will never ever be a lamer like her

That last statement makes me look so bad. Baha! Yay inside jokes.