So, Hell City has come and gone again, and I must say it's so much fun, it almost makes me feel like I have a social life, since I rarely get out of this house of which at times feels more or less like a prison then a house. Anyways hanging out with old friends and some new ones are always a blast!! Rainbow and I went on a road trip to pick up Ru5ty and it was a blast, who knew that changing a setting on my Iphone would make miles turn into kilometers?? Anyways we left at like 11ish at night and got back to her house at around 9ish in the morning, on the way there, we totally rocked out to Backstreet Boys,
Oh yeah it was so awesome to see _Ireland_, and KatieOkiedokie again I hope _Ireland_ moves to OHIO! When I got home, I decided that I was going to begin a mission to have a secret posted on post secret, long shot, yes, impossible, no. it isn't like I have any decent secrets, I'm sure I can rack my brain and jot them on a card. heh, so yeah I think that's about it for now.
Later SG land.

Oh yeah it was so awesome to see _Ireland_, and KatieOkiedokie again I hope _Ireland_ moves to OHIO! When I got home, I decided that I was going to begin a mission to have a secret posted on post secret, long shot, yes, impossible, no. it isn't like I have any decent secrets, I'm sure I can rack my brain and jot them on a card. heh, so yeah I think that's about it for now.
Later SG land.
Yeah, I had the pure once but didn't take enough apparently. The Pokeball was a 4 stack and I had one and a half. It treated me well.
update soon?