Yay it is Christmas Eve, and we aren't even going to have a white one, just a depressing Icy one. for some reason I had a "I want to blog moment". I can't wait until New Years I hope it will be fun which I am sure it will be if the usual suspects are there, hopefully Rainbow will be there we always have the best of times.
So what does everyone want from SANTA?! He went to shopping early for me, and he also decided to give it to me early in the form of A FedEx truck dropping it off in like September :d
What will you resolution be??
Merry Christmas EVERYONE
So what does everyone want from SANTA?! He went to shopping early for me, and he also decided to give it to me early in the form of A FedEx truck dropping it off in like September :d
What will you resolution be??
Merry Christmas EVERYONE
sure looks like you and rainbow had a blasty blast on NYE 

My resolution is to punch you in tha face every freakin' day as hard as I can!!!!!!!! Bahahaha!!! You know I love you and I'd never do that. ;]