I know I know I'm that person that never ever updates her blog, huh? The only reason I never update is because I never ever ever have any kind if a life, and I dont want to to write the same boring old thing.
I can't believe it is almost the new year, wow where did this year go. I remember last year like it was yesterday. Rainbow was living at my house, it was the bestest time ever. Even though I had a retard as a boyfriend. I could ramble on forever..lol
I hope everyone has a great ThanksGiving!! I personally cant wait until Black Friday! Is anyone going black friday shopping?
Well thats all I have to blabber about, Hopefully I wont slack and I will write more
I can't believe it is almost the new year, wow where did this year go. I remember last year like it was yesterday. Rainbow was living at my house, it was the bestest time ever. Even though I had a retard as a boyfriend. I could ramble on forever..lol
I hope everyone has a great ThanksGiving!! I personally cant wait until Black Friday! Is anyone going black friday shopping?
Well thats all I have to blabber about, Hopefully I wont slack and I will write more

Thanks for the comment on my MR set!

;D Sure did!!!!!!!!